Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Perfect Wedding Accessories


Denver Post published an article "Personal touch" by Dana Coffield.
It talks about what eyewear to wear to your wedding.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love is in the air

Happy Valentines Day from the folks at DISRESPECTACLES!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Oliver Goldsmith Sunwear

If you've never heard of Oliver Goldsmith nows the time to familiarize yourself with this iconic brand. Philip Oliver Goldsmith started this family business in 1926, because spectacles were boring and uninspiring. He set out to create a brand of the first fashionable sunglasses. Their first customers included Grace Kelly, Peter Sellers, and Ursala Andress to name a few. They were the first to appear in Vogue and make one-off glasses for catwalks.  

20 years after Oliver Goldsmith ceased production, his granddaughter Claire felt the time was right to bring back the individual style and quality that epitomised this iconic brand.
We've been in love with this brand for awhile but what caught our eye recently was the fact that any of the frames from their collections can be made in a miniature size for kids. How cool is that! All mini classics are made to order. Check out their site

Thursday, January 31, 2008

because you've got to protect your banana!

I stumbled across this nifty invention around xmas time. I purchased a bunch of them to give out as holiday gifts - everyone is very pleased! The bananaguard fulfills the need for a sort of gag-gift, but is not useless! YAY!

Are you fed up with bringing bananas to work or school only to find them bruised and squashed? Our unique, patented device allows for the safe transport and storage of individual bananas letting you enjoy perfect bananas anytime, anywhere.'
- from the website:

I highly recommend a peruse of the website, especially the FAQ section - here is a delightful snippet:

Q: "Is there a battery attachment?"

A: No. The Banana Guard was designed for its intended purpose only as a device to prevent banana trauma during transport.

***o! ps: you can get your bananaguard in GLOW IN THE DARK! WOW! Last time i checked, they were on back-order (boo-hoo) though.

Early Spring?

Are the doldrums of winter knocking on your door?
Start spring early in these eye-pOpping plum-colored frames by ProDesign!
We love the thick decorative sides - we can't decide if the pattern is more like a flower or a clover! Maybe it's a flowver? a clower?
All we can say is this frame is super-cute & we heart it!
(PS: frame is available in a multitude of colors!)

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Got an eye for Vintage

All three Disrespectacles have an amazing supply of Vintage frames. Our tribeca location has a mini museum of antique eyewear. Come in and check them out.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Disrespectacles gets Doublebuttered

Come check the Doublebutter furniture featured in the Denver Disrespectacles. For those of you who do not have that option check out